The Human Body

fun facts about pregnancy
5 Jun

10 Amazing Facts about Pregnancy

The human body is an amazing thing – it is fascinating when you think about it that we are able to grow other humans inside of us! Our mothers went through some real stresses and strains to give birth to us – though pregnancy is often a time of wonder and joy despite all the …
interesting facts on demential
15 Feb

16 Interesting Facts About Dementia

Dementia is a neurological condition that affects millions of people all over the world. Regrettably, it is often difficult to spot early, and its effects can cause much emotional distress to both sufferers and their loved ones. Research into the condition is very much ongoing – however, there is also a lot of misinformation out …
facts about hangovers
16 Dec

16 Hot Facts About Hangovers

Anyone who likes to drink shot after shot, of course, dread the hangover. It’s an unfortunate medical phenomenon that often takes place hours after coming down from an alcohol-induced high. Many people suffer hangovers in much the same way – with nausea, headaches, and extreme irritability! However, they can differ from person to person, and …
A smiling set of teeth
11 Dec

16 Tantalizing Facts About Teeth

Teeth are something we rely on each and every day – but how many of us are taking them for granted? When you fail to look after them properly, you could be at risk of serious pain and damage – which is why it’s extremely important to make sure that you brush regularly and visit …
Breakfast Foods That Help Weight Loss
1 Dec

5 Breakfast Foods That Help Weight Loss

We’ve all heard that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and the truth is that in many ways, it is! When it comes to weight loss, a lot of people assume that abandoning the cereal and the toast and fasting through the morning is the way to go, and for some people, …
Fun Facts about Twins
30 Nov

16 Top Facts About Twins

While many animals give birth to multiple young at a time, in humans, it’s actually very rare indeed! That’s why twin births are often seen as fascinating events. Let’s take a look at some fun facts about twins to try and break down a bit of the mystery. 1. Twins bond very early on. Twin …
facts about death
27 Nov

11 Definitive Facts About Death

Death, unfortunately, is one of very few inevitabilities about life. We all have to face life ending at some point. It can be scary to think about when you consider it too deeply, however, it’s something we must all come to terms with. Death can hit many people hard – as it is never easy …
facts about the digestive system
26 Nov

9 Facts You Need to Know About Your Digestive System

We might not think too much about our digestive systems until they start giving us trouble! However, there are some truly fantastic natural systems and organs inside us all – when you start digging deep into the facts, we really are incredible natural creations! Here are some fun facts about the digestive system well worth …
fun facts about Adrenaline
13 Nov

11 Appealing Facts About Adrenaline

The “fight-or-flight response”, caused by adrenaline, is when you’re in a stressful situation and your heart begins to race. Temporary stress can sometimes be a good thing. Here are some fun facts about adrenaline to get your heart pumping… 1. It’ll open your eyes. Adrenaline makes a person more alert, as it helps one think …
facts about the heart
4 Oct

17 Healthy Facts About Your Heart

The heart is one of the most essential organs in your body, providing organs with the vital nutrients they require. As your heart pumps away faithfully, you may not have a second thought about it. Here are 18 fun facts about the heart that you need to know! 1. Your heart beats in time with …
facts about losing weight
20 Sep

11 Facts About Weight Loss That Actually Work

Millions of people are on a journey to lose weight every single day.  Weight loss isn’t just about looking good and feeling good on the outside, it’s about making sure you are fit and healthy for the years to come! However, there are plenty of facts and figures surrounding weight loss, and it’s worth remembering …
facts about left handed people
20 Aug

15 Interesting Facts About Left-Handed People

Left-handed people, as the name suggests, are more comfortable using their left hand for day to day activities that would normally otherwise be done with a right hand. Here are some interesting facts about left-handed people you might not have known. 1. Fewer people use their left hands than you might think. It is estimated …
facts about obesity
5 Jul

16 Alarming Facts About Obesity

As a society, we are getting fatter and fatter. This is as a result of all kinds of societal factors – the types of food we have available, education, and sheer lack of exercise. Obesity is something of a pandemic – and alarmingly, it’s easy to prevent. So – why are so many people in …
boy laughing
5 Jun

14 Funny Facts About Laughing

Who doesn’t love laughing? It’s good to laugh, both for relieving your stress levels and for general health – meaning that more of us should take time out to share a chuckle more often. Laughter is generally a human condition, but that doesn’t make it any less fascinating. No matter if you’re into your chuckles …
DNA genetic test tubes
4 Jun

14 Fascinating Facts About DNA

DNA is an abbreviation for deoxyribonucleic acid (no wonder they abbreviated it!). It’s a complex molecule that contains the genetic code of all living things, from animals and plants to bacteria. But here’s where things get interesting! Whenever an organism reproduces, a portion of its DNA is passed on to its offspring. While much of …