The latest facts from Fact City

6 May

12 Important Facts About How To Survive A Hurricane

Hurricanes affect millions of people every year, all over the world – and in many cases, these scary natural disasters are simply unavoidable. That is why it is so important to know what to do and what not to do during a hurricane to better your chances of survival. A disclaimer: you shouldn’t use this …
3 May

12 Stunning Facts About Starfish

Starfish, or sea stars, are truly strange creatures that probably don’t get much attention from most of us up on the surface. What even are they? And what do they eat? Are they even fish, anyway? In this fact file, we break it all down for you. Here are some fun facts about starfish you’ll …
1 May

32 Fun Facts About Basketball

Basketball is one of the most popular sports in the US – however, it also has strong followings all over the world. It’s made household names and millionaires out of stars such as Michael Jordan, Shaquille O’Neal, and LeBron James, and it’s a surprisingly complex game – even to this day. But how much do …
29 Apr

What Happened in 1979?

As the last official year of the 70s, 1979 had a lot of pressure on it! Disco was still well and thriving, but music trends such as ska and hip hop were just starting out. It was a great time for bell bottoms, big hair, bright colours, and disco moves. It was also a time …
facts about ramadan
27 Apr

25 Interesting Facts About Ramadan

Ramadan is one of the most important fixtures in the Muslim calendar – and people all over the world who worship in the Islamic faith regard it as highly important for growth and self-reflection. It’s during this time that people learn how to exercise self-control and how they can help others in need. It is …
26 Apr

16 Ultimate Facts About the 1900s

The early 1900s, otherwise known as the turn of the century, was an incredible time for progression. Coming out of industrial evolution, this was a decade that saw huge steps forward in communication, travel, and entertainment. It was a decade of great experimentation – and one of idealism, as first-wave feminism took major strides in …
24 Apr

27 Ultimate Facts About Chess

The earliest beginnings of chess are a bit uncertain but it’s believed to have originated in India in the 7th Century. The game was played and occasionally banned by medieval European kings, before becoming more established in the 1800s. The game had its resurgence during the Cold War. That specific period forms the backdrop for …
1975 Jaws
22 Apr

What Happened in 1975?

Let’s take a look back at 1975. Jaws had us all terrified to go into the water. The Rocky Horror Picture Show was making us all do the Time Warp Again, and Monty Python had us all cackling like crazy people! But it was also a year of extraordinary political changes and even some earth-shattering …
19 Apr

11 Pernicious Facts About Piranhas

No one likes the idea of piranhas. We all tend to imagine big fish with even bigger teeth and a taste for human flesh! As it happens, piranhas are not so easily categorized. In fact, this fascinating fish has quite a story to tell! Here are some fun facts about piranhas. 1. They are freshwater …
17 Apr

12 Lively Facts About Lincolnshire

Famous for its coastline, its sausages, and even its windmills, Lincolnshire is a lovely English county that courts holidaymakers and vacationers from abroad every year. As you can imagine, it’s packed full of quaint English charm – but there’s more to Lincs than you might be expecting! Let’s take a look at some fun facts …
12 Apr

32 Bodacious Facts About Beekeeping

For many of us, honey is a luxury we simply don’t want to live without. Its incredible, sweet taste, health benefits, and versatile use all make it an indispensable ingredient in our homes. And, of course, the only way to get said honey is by relying on skilled and ethical beekeepers. Beekeeping is a profession …
10 Apr

26 Super Facts About The Sundarbans

The Sundarbans is a magnificent forest, the likes of which you probably haven’t seen before – but, more importantly, it’s the main habitat of one of the planet’s most endangered and threatened species. That makes it an area of significant natural importance, as well as beauty. And, to help you on your quest to learn …