The latest facts from Fact City

Kobe Bryant LA Lakers
4 Aug

29 Admirable Facts About The LA Lakers

Fans of basketball all over the world have their own favourite teams, but no one can deny the appeal of the Los Angeles Lakers! This NBA (National Basketball Association) team has gone from victory to victory and has brought the world some of the most talented and beloved basketball players of all time to the …
4 Aug

30 Captivating Facts About Calligraphy

Not all of us have pretty penmanship, but some of us are truly blessed to be able to write beautifully in calligraphy! This writing style has been around for a very long time and is widely seen as an artistic form of writing. Nowadays, we can find the style printed on cards, letters, and so …
4 Aug

23 Powerful Facts About Pilates

It’s fair to say that there are plenty of different ways to stay fit and healthy nowadays – but have you ever considered taking up Pilates before? This physical therapy actually has something of an interesting and varied history – it’s certainly not a modern fad! Many people swear by Pilates not only to help …
Queen Elizabeth 2
4 Aug

What Happened in 2022?

2022 was a year of recovery, political tension, and governmental chaos – at least for the British! Other countries were terrorized by war crimes, and all of us were concerned with the IPCC report about global warming. However, many good things also came from this hectic year, from conflicts ending to the continued evolution of …
gulf conflict
4 Aug

What Happened in 1994?

So, it’s 1994, Bryan Adams and Bon Jovi are rocking the radio, and the grunge and flannel look is in. Of course, while music and fashion are always important, it’s also worth remembering some of the biggest events of the year to shake the global political and economic stage. But don’t worry – 1994 certainly …
Sea Turtle
4 Aug

What Happened in 1993?

For some of us, 1993 feels as though it were only yesterday. Yet, for others, it was a time we simply never knew and couldn’t possibly begin to guess as to why it mattered so much! Yes, we’re sorry to report to some of you that 1993 was over 30 years ago – we’ll give …
Babri Masjid
4 Aug

What Happened in 1992?

For many of us, 1992 does not feel like it was that far back – but, not to make you feel too old, it was over 30 years ago! 1992 was a pretty big year politically, and it was a dramatic one behind the scenes for the British Royal Family, with then-Queen Elizabeth II referring …
Facts about Lithuania
4 Aug

What Happened in 1991?

For those of us who were around at the time, the 90s were pretty wild – and by 1991, the political, cultural, and entertainment landscapes were evolving fast. We were fast approaching a post-Cold War world, and changes were unfolding in politics on either side of the Atlantic. 1991 in itself was a highly tumultuous …
facts about Nelson Mandela
4 Aug

What Happened in 1990?

As a new decade began, 1990 had a lot of promise. Yet, no one could have predicted all that this decade would bring! From incredible advancements in technology to political unrest and, of course, all of the incredible fashion trends and iconic entertainment, there’s lots to dive into. But before we get too far ahead …
facts about wine nutrition
4 Aug

What Happened in 1976?

Whether or not you were around to experience 1976 yourself, it’s safe to say it was a pretty major year for political events, technological advancements, and, yes, the rise of disco music. For people in the UK, it was a scorching time indeed – but what else happened this year, and which famous people were …
bob marley
4 Aug

What Happened in 1978

1978 definitely brought us a lot to remember – more than just another year in which disco strutted its way up the charts, it was also a year in which we saw major political change, and in which a certain orange icon made his debut. With that in mind, here are some of the biggest …
West Virginia
20 Jun

11 Wild Facts About West Virginia

When we think about West Virginia, some of us think of Country Roads taking us home! Others think about the state’s fascinating history, and most, if not all of us, think about its stunning views! But how much do you know about this state? Here are some fun facts about West Virginia. 1. It’s the …