The latest facts from Fact City

calcium header
11 Oct

10 Cracking Facts about Calcium

Calcium plays a big part in supporting healthy teeth and bones, and in olden times, teachers used a type of calcium-based rock to write on blackboards! But what exactly is this spectacular element, and where can we find it? Here are some fun facts about calcium you’ll want to keep in mind. 1. Calcium is …
battle of camperdown
11 Oct

On This Day – October 11th

As Halloween approaches, it’s easy to start letting the days go by in anticipation. However, October 11th is no day to let go by! There’s so much that has taken place on this date throughout history, and we have all of the information right here. If you’re already celebrating in any way, congratulations – and …
chlorine header
10 Oct

12 Charming Facts about Chlorine

Chlorine is an element that many of us have come across in our time – if you go swimming in local pools a lot, you will likely come across this strong-smelling chemical. It’s great for disinfection, but not so great on the nose – but what else is there to know about this periodic marvel? …
man with bike, Uzbekistan
10 Oct

On This Day – October 10th

Did you know that October 10th is one of the most important dates of the year for many people around the world? It might not feel like a day that really leaps off the calendar unless you’re celebrating it in some way, but there are plenty of great reasons to take time and mark in …
Copper header
9 Oct

12 Corking Facts About Copper

Copper is one of the most commonly-used metals in the world. Known for its distinctive colour, longevity, and high burning temperature, copper is popularly used to help build fireplaces, kitchens, and more. But how much do you know about this super-versatile chemical element? Here are some fun facts about copper to mull over the next …
fun facts about the Statue of Liberty
9 Oct

On This Day – October 9th

October 9th is a very important date. Even if many of us don’t celebrate it every year, to many others, it is one of the most important dates of the year! And that’s not necessarily because of birthdays or anniversaries – in fact, there are plenty of historical reasons why people remember 10/9 every year. …
the great chicago fire
8 Oct

On This Day – October 8th

October 8th is a very important date for millions of people around the world, and we have all of the information to prove it. Here are some of the most important things to know about October 8th – meaning that if you’re already celebrating today, you have a few more reasons to mark the occasion! …
Hadrian's Wall
7 Oct

10 Solid Facts about Hadrian’s Wall

If you’ve ever been traveling up the northern reaches of the UK, you might likely have come across the iconic Hadrian’s Wall, one of the country’s best-loved landmarks. However, it didn’t originally serve the purpose of looking pretty! It’s a remnant from the Roman days of old. You’re in the right place if you’d like …
Facts about racism
7 Oct

On This Day – October 7th

So, we’ve made it to the end of the first week of October, and it’s definitely bittersweet! Soon, the pumpkins will have to go away, and the cobwebs go back into storage. But before we get ahead of ourselves, there’s still a lot to celebrate this October. So, let’s start with today by looking at …
World Peace Day - January 1st
6 Oct

On This Day – October 6th

By the time October 6th comes around, we all tend to start counting the days until the fall holidays arrive! However, before you let today go by too fast, it’s important we take some time to honour this great day. Here are some of the most important things to know about October 6th, and many …
Pure silver
5 Oct

11 Surprising Facts About Silver

Used as a currency by some of the most ancient civilizations and used in nearly all forms of electronics in the modern age, silver has been essential to humans as far back as we can remember! Whether you have any in your pocket or not, here are some fun facts about silver you should remember …
random facts about NASA
5 Oct

On This Day – October 5th

Believe it or not, October 5th is not just about pumpkin lattes and red scarves! In fact, a lot has taken place on this very important date over the years. Here are just some of the most important things to know about October 5th – which, if you’re already celebrating today for whatever reason, should …