The latest facts from Fact City

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31 Jan

What Happened in 1998?

As you will come to see, 1998 was a pretty pivotal year for major societal changes – from search engines that would become part of our daily lives to agreements that brought about peace. This was the year in which French soccer went stratospheric, more and more of us went online, and men took advantage …
facts about pattaya
30 Jan

12 Perfect Facts About Pattaya

When we think of places to relax and have a real vacation, we all tend to think of Hawaii, Bora Bora, and even Phuket. But have you ever considered seeing Pattaya for the first time? Although it may not be the most famous city in the world, this Thai wonderland has plenty to offer. Here …
Millenium Bug y2k
30 Jan

What Happened in 1999?

As the last year of the 20th century, 1999 was one that was full of promise and expectations. And, far more happened than the human race was probably expecting! From big political changes, including new kings and presidents, to world-shaking tragedies including earthquakes and crashes, 1999 is not a year history will soon forget. Above …
2024 Year of the Dragon
29 Jan

10 Fiery Facts about the Chinese Year of the Dragon

Happy New Year (almost)! Every 12 years, the Year of the Dragon comes back around. The Chinese zodiac operates around a 12-year cycle, and each one has its own animal sign. However, the Dragon is the only mythical creature in the zodiac, making it a very important symbol to honour! If the year you were …
olympic games 2000
29 Jan

What Happened in 2000?

For anyone who remembers the year 2000, it was all about “Y2K” – with the threat of the Millennium Bug having passed, it was a year that stood for plenty of cultural and technological change. Let’s take a look at some of the biggest events of 2000, along with some famous birthdays and a few …
Facts about Taurus
29 Jan

11 Truthful Facts About Taurus

Stubborn yet kind, bullish yet protective, anyone born between the 20th April and 20th May is a Taurus, or the bull, according to the Western Zodiac. Tauruses are Earth signs, which makes them pretty grounded – and while they’re pretty ambitious and reliable, they tend to wallow a little sometimes. Let’s take a look at …
Fun Facts about the Leo Star Sign
26 Jan

15 Lively Facts About Leo Star Sign

If you were born between the dates of July 23rd and August 22nd, then you are fortunate enough to call yourself a Leo! Bold and sometimes brash, some of the quieter signs don’t always gel well with the Zodiac lions – but once you have the right people around you, you are fiercely protective of …
mir space station
26 Jan

What Happened in 2001?

2001, the year in which the famous movie A Space Odyssey was set, turned out to be a little different than expected. While there are many positive moments to come out of this year, it’s inarguably remembered for the devastating attacks on the World Trade Centre in New York in September. Let’s take a look …
Table Mountain
25 Jan

10 Fantastic Facts About Table Mountain

As far as mountains go, Table Mountain tends to stand out! Not only does it stand tall, but it also has a unique shape that gives it its world-famous name – it really is as flat as you’ve heard it is. That said, there’s a little more to Table Mountain than just a flat head. …
facts about Queen Elizabeth
25 Jan

What Happened in 2002?

2002 was a fairly dramatic year on all accounts. Following terrorism that shook the world in 2001, this year was all about fighting back – but at the same time, it was also an important year for cultural growth both East and West. There are positives and negatives to look back on about 2002, and …
Vladimir Lenin
24 Jan

10 Revolutionary Facts about Vladimir Lenin

Vladimir Lenin was known for being one of the most influential people of the 20th century, and with good reason. As one of the founders of the Soviet Union, to this day, Lenin’s legacy is one of great controversy and debate – and, if you know anything at all about Russian history, it’s that its …
US invasion Iraq 2003
24 Jan

What Happened in 2003?

What can we say about 2003? Plenty, actually – and if you were around at the time, it’s likely to have been a pretty memorable year. If not, we’re here to jog your memories a little! It was a highly divisive year in many ways, with the Iraq War taking full shape and the world …