The latest facts from Fact City

weeping woman
16 Feb

What Happened in 1986?

1986 brought us all so much in terms of music and cinema, fashion, and design, but also in the political world. Some big changes occurred in 1986, and while many of you might not have been around to witness them at the time, these are big events we’re still feeling to this day. Whether or …
15 Feb

11 Scintillating Facts About Scientology

Scientology is one of the most controversial religions in the world. Founded back in the 50s, it is also a relatively young organization – some of the world’s most famous celebrities are known for being part of the Scientology church, but what does that mean, and what do the people involved worship and follow? Here …
Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty
15 Feb

What Happened in 1987?

The year is 1987; there were bright colours everywhere, leg warmers, and dance music is starting to take over the charts. It was also a time of tension and concern, particularly as the Cold War between the US and the USSR reverberated. 1987 was a year worth remembering for plenty of different reasons – however, …
14 Feb

12 Gritty Facts about Gophers

When we think of rodents, we all get certain images in our heads. Furry little creatures with small hands, big teeth, and long tails. And, to be fair, that perfectly describes gophers! These independent little creatures can be found all over the countryside and, believe it or not, play an important role in the ecology …
Soviet-Afghan War
14 Feb

What Happened in 1988?

1988 was a huge year for many of us, even for those of us who weren’t there! From important births of people who added wonder to our lives, and tragic celebrity losses – it’s a year that’s worth looking back on for many reasons. It’s also a year of massive societal and technological developments – …
13 Feb

10 Advanced Facts about Artificial Intelligence

Nowadays, we’re hearing more and more about artificial intelligence, otherwise known as AI, and how it’s helping to make life, work, and entertainment more efficient and manageable. There’s no doubt that AI has plenty of uses – but there are plenty of reasons to be cautious around the tech, too! Here are some super fun …
call queue
13 Feb

What Happened in 1989?

1989 is a pretty pivotal year for millions of us all over the world. It was the end of an era – the 80s, the decade that fashion arguably forgot – and it’s highly popular with fans of a certain musical sensation (hint: it’s Taylor Swift). However, there’s more than just music and fashion to …
The Illuminati
12 Feb

9 Leading Facts about the Illuminati

Sssh… have you heard of the Illuminati? We have all probably heard about conspiracy theories regarding this supposed secret group and their place in societies across the world today, and from long ago! However, it is important to remember that most of the information about the Illuminati is just that – conspiracy theories! Here are …
9 Feb

10 Curious Facts about Cannibalism

Well, I hope you’re not eating anything, because this fact file is going to be a little… gross. In case you don’t know what cannibalism is, it is the act of one member of a species eating another member of the same species. It’s widely used to describe humans eating human flesh. As you can …
speed of sound
8 Feb

11 Sonic Facts About The Speed of Sound

As kids, we all want to think that we can run at the speed of sound! Who hasn’t put on their fastest shoes and tried to break the sound barrier? If you haven’t tried it, you absolutely should. But what exactly does the speed of sound mean, and how does it work? Here are some …
Vladimir Putin
7 Feb

11 Bold Facts about Vladimir Putin

Vladimir Putin is easily one of the most infamous people in the world. As the head of Russia, he has long made questionable decisions regarding the country, its policies, and its treatment of other nations. But how much do you know about the Russian President? Here are some bold and interesting facts about Vladimir Putin. …
Augusto Pinochet
6 Feb

10 Alarming Facts about Augusto Pinochet

Augusto Pinochet is one of the most infamous names in world political history. Known for being a dictator for well over a decade, the man left a legacy of violence, fear-mongering, and cruelty. But how much do you know about the Chilean dictator? Here are some interesting facts about Augusto Pinochet worth remembering. 1. Pinochet …