
Are you fascinated with nature? Discover thousands of interesting and fun facts about the animals we share our planet with…

interesting facts about snails
6 Dec

13 Slow-Moving Facts About Snails

Snails – love them, hate them, maybe even eat them? The humble snail is a docile yet misunderstood critters, the bane of any gardener, and a famous European delicacy. Here are some fun facts about snails that might just open your eyes. 1. Do snails have teeth? Yes, snails have up to 25,000 teeth! No …
Fun fact about Tropical Fish
6 Dec

15 Top Facts About Tropical Fish

Inspired by a certain Pixar movie and fancy taking a look at some fin-tastic new additions to your home tank? It’s time to look up a few fun facts about tropical fish that might surprise you – and who knows, they may even inspire you to start a whole new aquarium! 1. We’ve been keeping …
interesting facts about parrots
29 Nov

12 Pretty Good Facts About Parrots

Polly want a cracker? Parrots are amazingly intelligent animals that are perhaps most famous for their colourful plumages and their ability to mimic all kinds of sounds. However, that’s not everything in their repertoire! Here are some fun facts about parrots worth squawking about! 1. What’s a psittacine? Psittacines is another name for parrots! There …
A large scorpion
28 Nov

13 Stinging Facts About Scorpions

Did you know we first started talking about scorpions in the Bible? These truly ancient creatures have been around for longer than many people might think. What’s more, they are fascinating from their biology to their behavior. Here are some fun facts about scorpions to inspire you! 1. Where do scorpions normally hang out? Scorpions …
interesting facts about Raccoons
23 Nov

12 Remarkable Facts About Raccoons

It’s safe to say that raccoons have something of a bad and often unfair reputation!  Across North America, many people find that these clever and often dextrous creatures roam around urban areas after dusk. That means that they can be a real nuisance when they’re looking for food in people’s household waste! However, there is …
a Hermit Crab
21 Nov

13 Hyper Facts About Hermit Crabs

Hermit crabs are curious little critters that are probably best known for carrying their homes on their backs! You’ll find them in tropical reaches as well as in colder climes – and they don’t tend to be sought as food by fishermen. In fact, there’s probably plenty about these creatures that might just surprise you! …
facts about glaciers
19 Nov

13 Glorious Facts About Glaciers

Glaciers are truly curious natural phenomena – they come around as a result of water turning to ice in the natural world, and can even move when they are completely frozen solid! They are truly breath-taking to witness. Here’s a few fun facts about glaciers to help clue you in on what they might be …
facts about sloths
18 Nov

13 Slooooow Facts About Sloths

Is there anything quite as enviable as the sloth? These lazy, slow-moving creatures seem to have it made – and to boot, they’re quite the odd critters, too! However, you should never consider a sloth to be slow-witted – they have quite the bit of brain power lurking beneath the surface! Here’s some fun facts …
spider facts
17 Nov

12 Strange Facts About Spiders

Spiders are a love them or hate them kind of creature – but they certainly deserve more love than they actually get! They are a creepy crawly critter species unlike any other – to the point where arachnophobia is a genuine fear of the beasties. However, look beneath their slightly unsettling exterior, and you’ll soon …
facts about Rainbow Trout
15 Nov

14 Interesting Facts About Rainbow Trout

Better wear some shades – the rainbow trout’s swimming upstream! No, this famous fish isn’t exactly every shade of the rainbow, but it’s so-called thanks to the fact that it’s more colourful than most. This super-diverse and eye-catching critter is full of surprises, too! Here are some fun facts about rainbow trout you might not …
facts about platypuses
11 Nov

24 Positive Facts About Platypuses

Platypuses – also known as duckbills – are small amphibious mammals. They’re famous for their odd combination of primitive characteristics and special modifications, like their flat and almost comical bills. The platypus are the only living couriers of their family and genus, though several related species appear in the fossil evidence. Let’s take a closer look with …
fun facts about killer whales
10 Nov

14 Keen Facts About Killer Whales

Killer whales are some of the most beautiful creatures ever to grace the sea. Orcas, to use their more traditional name, are visually striking and always easy to spot thanks to their enormous size! But how much do you actually know about these magnificent marine mammals? Let’s take a closer look with some fun facts …
Facts about Swans
8 Nov

12 Serene Facts About Swans

Swans are majestic and iconic – they really are a firm part of the British countryside! Of course, as with all wild birds, it is never a good idea to try and approach a swan on your own – they can get pretty vicious and protective! These fun facts about swans are going to break things down …
facts about octopus
7 Nov

15 Fun Facts About Octopus

Octopuses are sea creatures that have fascinated, threatened and fed other species for centuries! Today scientists recognise their value in medical research and pioneering designs for human prosthetics, too. These many-tentacled critters are certainly odd – so here’s some fun facts about octopuses worth getting a wriggle on for! 1. We named them all the …
fun facts about Hummingbirds
4 Nov

15 Hypnotic Facts About Hummingbirds

Hummingbirds – tiny yet mighty, and amazing food guzzling machines! Hummingbirds are exotic birds with an impressive ability to not only fly long distances – but also hover, too! The hummingbird has fascinated mankind for a long, long time – and lucky for you, we’re here with stacks of facts about this curious critter to …
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