On This Day

National Joygerm Day - January 8th
8 Jan

On This Day – January 8th

January 8th may not sound like a national day to remember, but there’s plenty of events that unfolded in history on this date – and it’s even National Bubble Bath Day, so why not crack out the suds? Here’s some fun facts and figures about January 8th that may well shock and surprise you…
January 7th - On this day
7 Jan

On This Day – January 7th

There’s already been a whole week of the new year, how time flies! From a solar system shattering discovery, to the first international radio distress signal, January 7th has left many marks throughout the course of history. You don’t need to look far, we’ve found the most interesting facts about January 7th.
National Cuddle Day - January 6th
6 Jan

On This Day – January 6th

There’s so much to remember about January 6th – where do we begin? It’s one of the most notable days in recent history thanks to the infamous attack on the US Capitol in Washington DC in 2021, but looking further back there’s much to learn. Below are some of the most memorable facts about January …
5 Jan

On This Day – January 5th

The year may have gotten off to a slowish start, but there’s 360 days left to go! Throughout history, January 5th has seen the birth of litreary classics, the raising of some massive monuments – and perhaps more oddly – it’s the one day of the year you can eat all the whipped cream you …
Driverless vehicles
4 Jan

On This Day – January 4th

Despite Christmas having been and gone, January 4th is always going to be a day to remember! Whether for the first trip to the Moon, a day for eating nothing but spaghetti, or when people first started to groove with four wheels on each foot – here are some of the most exciting reasons to …
Chocolate covered cherries
3 Jan

On This Day – January 3rd

It’s January 3rd – which means there’s 362 days left in the year! But this isn’t any ordinary day – from the birth of the man who created Middle-Earth to the first time Leonardo Da Vinci tried to fly, there are plenty more fun facts about January 3rd you’ll want to tuck into.
National cream puff day - January 2nd
2 Jan

On This Day – January 2nd

January 2nd is the second day of the year in the Gregorian calendar – which means the new year is still fairly new! But do you know how exciting January 2nd has been throughout history? From the first detailed photograph of the Moon to National Science fiction day in the US, read on for some …
On this day - January 1st
1 Jan

On This Day – January 1st

Happy New Year! January 1st is, of course, the start of a whole new year of prospects and possibilities. Historically, it’s also really interesting to dive into! Once you’ve finished singing Auld Lang Syne, here are some fun facts about January 1st you’ll want to remember.
nutrition facts about fruit
27 Feb

14 Fun Nutrition Facts about Fruit

We’ve all heard that we should be eating more fresh fruit and vegetables each day. After all, it’s natural to eat, well, naturally! However, some people worry that the natural sugars found in fruit may be offsetting to specific diets they may be on. We’re here to help dispel a few myths about fruit, as …
fun makeup tips for beginners
14 Jan

12 Simple Makeup Tips And Tricks You’ll Love

We all like to look our best, don’t we? While there are thousands and thousands of different makeup lines out there, it’s sometimes hard to know what to do with them for the best! So, here are some great little makeup tips that might just surprise you. 1. Scrub up your lips! If you have …
Fun Facts about Boxing Day
25 Dec

11 Gifted Facts About Boxing Day

Boxing Day is probably better known as the day after Christmas Day in many Western countries – or, if we’re going by the calendar, December 26th. This date is often very popular with many people who work in service industries, as it can mean an extra day off over the holidays! In any case, here’s …
interesting facts about fast food
17 Dec

9 Salty Facts About Fast Food

It’s easy to assume that the fast-food industry is in decline due to the trend of ‘clean eating’ in the last 10 years or so. However, this couldn’t be further from the truth, as fast food is not only alive but thriving! Here are a few fun facts on fast food that prove this industry …
Keto Food Diet Facts
9 Nov

14 Delicious Facts About Ketogenic Diets

It can seem like there’s a million and one different diet plans out there! However, not all diets and nutrition plans work for everyone – we’re all different in terms of metabolism and the ways in which our bodies process nutrients and calories. However, a ketogenic diet is one which has gathered lots of interest …
Facts about Vegan Diets
15 Oct

25 Fun Facts About The Vegan Diet

The vegan diet has become very popular. More and more people are choosing to go vegan for various reasons. They usually range from ethics to environmental concerns, or just from a desire to improve one’s health. When done right, such a diet may result in many health benefits, including a trimmer waistline and improved blood …
8 Oct

26 Rare Facts About The USSR

For decades, the USSR was a behemoth force to be reckoned with in terms of global politics and warfare. Starting with the Bolshevik revolution, the rise of the Soviet Union took place across Russia and Europe’s Eastern bloc over what almost amounted to a century. During this time, some of the most shocking political events …