Days & Dates

interesting facts about tuesdays
13 Sep

27 Top Facts About Tuesday

Is Tuesday REALLY anyone’s favourite day of the week? Bizarrely, yes. It’s considered lucky in some cultures, and unlucky in others! Tuesday happens to have the poor luck of being too far from the weekend and barely ahead of hump day, making it a bit of a non-event for many people – and a bit …
facts about thursday
3 Sep

17 Telling Facts About Thursday

Are you into rhymes? “Monday’s child is fair of face. Tuesday’s child is full of grace. Wednesday’s child is full of woe. Thursday’s child has far to go…” If you’re a Thursday’s child according to this old rhyme you’re predestined for greatness! How about David Bowie’s Thursday’s child lyrics? “Throw me tomorrow, oh oh seeing …
A woodland fall scene
27 Aug

10 Fantastic Facts About Autumn

Fall, on the whole, can be a very peaceful time of year. It’s when the weather starts to calm down and get milder from the heat of the summer months. However, when you live in the upper hemisphere, it is also likely to be a time when the rain starts coming in thick and fast! …
facts about October
14 Aug

18 Outstanding Facts About October

October, the tenth month of year, tends to be when things start getting darker, and colder (at least in the North) and we start heading towards the winter months. However, it is also a month full of celebration, and it tends to be a favourite month for many people. But what are some fun facts …
facts about mondays
11 Aug

28 Mind-blowing Facts About Monday

Put on your smart suit, it’s time to go to work! It’s Monday! I don’t know whether you’re a Monday person or not but let’s start with a bit of reversed psychology: not everyone hates Mondays! For every optimist out there Monday is a day for a brand new start. It’s a chance to start …
facts about Day of the Dead
7 Aug

12 Dramatic Facts About The Day of The Dead

El Dia de los Muertos, or the Day of the Dead in English, is a unique Mexican holiday that has been gaining popularity outside of its native country for quite some time now. Here are some fun facts about the Day of the Dead! 1. Let’s dispel a myth… Day of the Dead is not Mexico’s …
a barley field
4 Aug

15 Stunning Facts About September

September is a month in the year which many look forward to, though it does also mean the end of summer! It’s also traditionally when school-children head back for the new year of classes, which means it’s a month that is often maligned by many! However, the ninth month of the year has plenty of …
facts about saturday
19 Jul

25 Superb Facts About Saturday

Who doesn’t love a Saturday? Traditionally falling between Friday and Sunday in the modern calendar, it’s a day off work for lots of people living in the West. Therefore, it’s a day when we come together and make plans. However, many people still work on a Saturday – though it remains a day which feels …
interesting facts about August
11 Jul

15 Fun Facts About August

Depending on where you live in the world, August can often be one of the sunnier highlights of the calendar.  It’s the eighth month of the year, and for many people, it marks the height and the end of the school holidays.  It’s also likely to be the time of year when most people go …
fun facts about summer
23 Jun

10 Superb Facts About Summer!

Along with spring, summer tends to be one of the most favoured seasons of the four. Why is this? It’s obvious! Summer is the period of the year when we’re normally supposed to get incredible levels of sunshine and warmer temperatures. In the UK, it’s also the time of year when days are longest. This …
interesting facts about July
22 Jun

14 Superb Facts About July

For many people in the Northern Hemisphere, July is one of the hottest and sunniest months of the year and is likely to be when many people book their holidays and vacations! In the UK, it also marks the start of the always-popular six-week school holidays, which extend into August. July is also the midpoint …
FRIDAY spelt Friyay!
19 Apr

15 Fun Facts About Friday

Who doesn’t love a Friday? Often the end of the working week for many people, it’s that time when people can start to look forward to taking a few hours out to relax and spend time with loved ones. But what are some fun facts about Friday you might not know about? Friday is a …
fun facts about spring
13 Apr

10 Spectacular Facts About Spring

Spring is often many people’s favourite time of year, and it’s not hard to understand why! It spells the end of Winter. What’s more, it’s the time of year when animals start to emerge from hibernation. Spring is a great time to start getting out and about again, to start mowing the lawn and sorting …
interesting facts about Easter
3 Apr

13 Eggciting Facts About Easter

Easter is the holy Christian holiday celebrating Jesus Christ returning from the dead. Today, gifts of chocolate eggs are given to represent this. Here’s some egg-citing facts about Easter. 1. Easter eggs are old inventions! The UK’s first chocolate egg was made by Fry’s of Bristol in 1873. 2. Italy holds an egg record. The …
Daisy field
1 Apr

20 Amazing Facts About April

It’s time to greet April, the time of year when spring is sensed in the air, when the sky is bright and clear and the sunshine rays are warm and near! We start the month with laughter and fun, trying to fool everyone. But, the fun’s end isn’t even near, we’ve prepared 20 fun facts …