North America

Would you like to learn more about North America? Check out thousands of interesting and fun facts about North America with

facts about Ottawa
6 Apr

14 Outstanding Facts About Ottawa

Want to find out a little more about the capital cities of the world and increase your chances of winning the next geography quiz? Take a look at these 14 fun facts about Ottawa! 1.   The ACTUAL Canadian capital Ottawa is the capital city of Canada. 2.   Ottawa has an interesting pronunciation Wondering how to say …
Fun facts about Mexico
4 Apr

43 Mind-Blowing Facts About Mexico

Mexico has a fascinating history, wonderful food, and an abundance of natural wonders. It’s a land of early civilizations, diverse ethnicities, unbelievable landscapes, and a vivacious culture. Did you know that Mexico is home to the world’s largest pyramid or that Mexico is one of the countries with the richest linguistic diversity in the world? …
interesting facts about Canada
3 Apr

20 Captivating Facts About Canada

Looking to boost your knowledge of the big wide world and better your chance of being crowned the next geography quiz champion? Why not start with these fun facts about Canada! 1. Canada’s name has incredible origins. The word ‘Canada’ itself comes from the word Kanata, which means ‘settlement’ or ‘village’ in the language of …
fun facts about Hawaii
22 Mar

19 Happy Facts About Hawaii

Do you dream of visiting Hawaii? It’s part of the USA and yet it feels so distant, so alien, so separate. The state attracts millions of visitors from all corners of the world every single year, most of whom are determined to bask in the gorgeous landscape it has to offer. On the surface, Hawaii …
facts about USA
17 Mar

26 Uncensored Facts About The USA

If you have family or friends who live in the USA or if you’re looking to move here, take a look at these 26 fun facts about the USA and impress the locals with your quiz-busting knowledge! 1. The USA is MASSIVE The USA is a large country consisting of 50 states in North America. …
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