Oceans Seas & Waterways

facts about the RNLI
16 Feb

12 Regal Facts About The RNLI

The RNLI, or Royal National Lifeboat Institution, is one of the hardest-working charitable organizations in the UK! It’s depended on to help people lost at sea all around the coast – and as a nonprofit organization, it depends entirely on the generosity of its donors and contributors. Here are some fun facts about the RNLI …
interesting facts about the tide
11 Nov

9 Timely Facts About The Tide

It comes in and out like a metronome, but is there more to tides than meets the eye? Turns out there’s more than you could ever imagine… Let’s take a look at these fun facts about the tide: 1. What causes the tide? The tides are caused by a combination of the Earth’s rotation and the …
facts about Tsunamis
16 Oct

12 Terrifying Facts About Tsunamis

Tsunamis are devastating natural events that only occur under very specific circumstances.  But when they do hit, they have the power to devastate lives. These huge, cataclysmic ocean events are, however, scientific marvels – which are still being studied to this day.  Here are some truly interesting facts about tsunamis. 1. A tsunami is bigger …
facts about the north sea
12 Jun

14 Nautical Facts About The North Sea

As dangerous as it is bountiful, the North Sea might pique your interest for a number of reasons. On the smaller side, it makes up for it by being a renewable energy producing gem and is valued for its abundance of fish and its unique tourism. A true Jack of all Trades, the North Sea …
facts about the mariana trench
5 Mar

25 Mega Facts About The Mariana Trench

Is there anywhere as deep or as majestic as the Mariana Trench? This colossal expanse of oceanic mystery has been the source of multiple deep sea investigations over the years, and as such, it’s still regarded as one of the most fascinating sources of diverse marine life. To this day, explorers are continuing to scale …