Yosemite fun facts

facts about sierra nevada
28 Jan

12 Special Facts about Sierra Nevada

The Sierra Nevada is known as being one of the United States’ most extensive mountain ranges, as it trails along the eastern edge of California. The mountains are made mainly from the granite of volcanic lava, and the area contains all kinds of canyons, lakes, waterfalls, and more! Millions of people scurry here every year …
interesting facts about Yosemite National Park
24 May

11 Facts about Yosemite National Park

Yosemite National Park is one of the best known National Park sites in the US. In fact, historians suggest that it may have helped to inspire the set up of further parks across the nation. Welcoming millions of visitors across the year, Yosemite is an iconic name in Californian tourism. But how much do you …
interesting facts about UNESCO
21 Jul

13 Unbelievable Facts About UNESCO

We live in an increasing and fascinating world!  Thanks to the work of groups such as UNESCO, our rich history and heritage remains preserved for generations to come.  But what does UNESCO actually do?  As an introduction, here are some interesting facts about UNESCO: 1. Why was UNESCO founded? UNESCO’s aim is, ultimately, to promote …