vegetarian fun facts

truffles header
2 Nov

10 Triumphant Facts About Truffle

Ever sniffed out a truffle before? These fungi are some of the most sought-after delicacies growing across the globe – and many say that once you’ve tried a truffle, you’ll understand the price tag! Truffles are mysterious and highly prized – which makes them all the more ripe for one of our fact files. Here …
coconut milk header
2 Nov

9 Cracking Facts about Coconut Milk

While it’s not technically milk, that hasn’t stopped the liquid insides of the average coconut from becoming highly popular with the masses! However, did you know that coconut milk is different from coconut water? It’s also said to contain some fantastic health benefits. Let’s take a look at some fun facts about coconut milk to …
Limeade Cooler Recipe
3 Sep

A Simple And Refreshing Limeade Cooler Recipe

A Simple but Naughty, Refreshing Limeade Cooler Recipe At least 6 servings Grenada, the spice isle, a small West Indian island country with arresting views around every bend. Many varieties of citrus fruit grow on the island and can used to flavour the hot and sultry days with a cool, zesty tang of freshness. I’m …
fun facts about onions
26 Jun

8 Amazing Facts About Onions

Onions are a staple everywhere in the world. They’re packed full of flavour, nutrients, and potential. They’re an unsung superfood that doesn’t nearly get enough attention or recognition, despite being a frequent ingredient in many dishes. It’s not as exotic as some of the other superfoods out there, nor is it as interesting for bloggers …
nutrition facts apples
23 Jul

11 Awesome Facts About Apples

Apples are usually the first word from the alphabet we learn, some of the first fruits we come to love, and remain staples in our kitchens – but, how much do you actually know about these sweet fruits? Here are ten fun facts about apples! 1. A sugary treat. If you’re in the mood for …
nutrition facts for eggs
14 Dec

13 Cracking Facts About Eggs

Eggs remain some of the most versatile foods around. You can scramble them, boil them, fry them, griddle them – you name it! Some people even eat them raw, but it’s not always a good idea! The fact is, eggs are hugely nutritious and can be used in a variety of recipes and dishes. Therefore, …
Facts about Vegan Diets
15 Oct

25 Fun Facts About The Vegan Diet

The vegan diet has become very popular. More and more people are choosing to go vegan for various reasons. They usually range from ethics to environmental concerns, or just from a desire to improve one’s health. When done right, such a diet may result in many health benefits, including a trimmer waistline and improved blood …
fresh corn in the field
14 Sep

10 Fun Facts About Corn

Corn! You probably think of it as a delicious summer side, or as the source for your popcorn at the cinema. Indeed, if those were the only purposes corn served it would be a glorious staple of the human diet. In actuality though, corn is a bizarrely fascinating resource even beyond its appeal to people …