Valentines Day fun facts

February 14th - Valentines Day - On this day
14 Feb

On This Day – February 14th

Love is in the air… but don’t worry! If you’re not celebrating Valentine’s Day, or if it’s your birthday and you’re sick of the sight of hearts and flowers, there are plenty of other ways you can mark February 14th. Below, we’ll take you through some historic events, famous birthdays, and special events that fall …
interesting facts about Valentine's Day
22 Jan

14 Fun Facts About Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day is an annual festival to celebrate romance, love, friendship and admiration. Here’s some fun facts about Valentine’s Day. 1. When did Valentine’s Day start? There’s many stories to where Valentine’s Day originated from, but one of the most popular stories dates back to 270 A.D during the reign of Roman Emperor Claudius II. …