Universe fun facts

Two pairs of quasars in the distant Universe
21 Mar

11 Baffling Facts About Black Holes

What exactly happens in a black hole? Who knows what lies on the other side? Despite being otherworldly phenomena that we’ve known about for over 240 years, there’s still a lot we don’t know about these strange plots in space… and studies are most certainly ongoing. Therefore, the facts we do know about black holes …
facts about the equator
8 Dec

13 Enigmatic Facts About The Equator

The equator is an imaginary line that we use to help measure the planet. There’s latitudinal lines, longitudinal lines – and in general, things tend to really hot up the closer you get to the equator! Imaginary or not, there’s a lot to learn about this line – so here are some fun facts about …
Facts about CERN
29 Sep

21 Cool Facts About CERN

The universe is a strange, cold, and perhaps even scary place! However, there are organizations such as CERN who are trying to find all the answers we can about the vast blackness around us. Specifically, much of this Swiss research faculty’s research surrounds particle physics, and why our universe operates in the way it does. …
science facts
23 Aug

32 Interesting Science Facts

Isn’t science amazing? We could probably run thousands of fact files on the weird and wonderful world we live in. However, to start with, we’ve lined up a stack of facts for you about science and our place in the universe to whet your appetite for some truly amazing stats and figures. Do you know …