The Human Body fun facts

facts about the brain
30 Mar

18 Fun Facts about The Brain That Will Blow Your Mind

Are you a hardworking student looking to learn some fascinating facts about the brain? Or a curious reader? Look no further! The human brain is one of the most complex and mysterious organs in the body, capable of amazing feats that give rise to art, sports, personality, and morals. Despite all of its complexities, there …
facts about leprosy
9 Feb

13 Life Changing Facts About Leprosy

Leprosy, or Hansen’s Disease, is a debilitating disease that can cause disfigurement and respiratory disorders. As a disease, it is treatable, but some symptoms cause permanent disfigurement. Many people live with the condition – and it’s important to learn more about how it affects people. Here are some interesting facts about leprosy you may wish …
glucose meters
19 Sep

9 Determining Facts about Diabetes

Diabetes affects a great number of us, and, sadly, many of us have to live with it without even knowing that we have it! It is a blood-related condition you can comfortably live with, but in order to live a full life, it needs to be managed carefully. With that in mind, let’s take a …
facts about lungs
5 Sep

11 Life-Enabling Facts about the Lungs

Breathing is obviously an essential part of staying alive and is one of the most important functions your body does. Although breathing sounds simple, how our lungs and our entire respiratory system work to accomplish this feat is in fact complex. Here are some fun facts about lungs that might surprise you! 1. Do you …
funny facts about flactulance
9 Jun

11 Funny Facts About Flatulence

Flatulence can be a cause of embarrassment, humour, disgust, ridicule and produce more than just a quirky noise! It can produce an odious smell and happen at any time of day, during any activity or period of rest! There’s no need to be embarrassed – we all experience flatulence at one time or another. Here …
Old man wearing a fedora hat
25 Oct

53 Crazy Facts About Life That Will Blow Your Mind

Life is full of hidden gems of knowledge and facts, including some incredible statistics that can either enrich your knowledge, change the way you see day-to-day experiences, or just bring you some amusement. Whether you’re gearing up for your next pub quiz or just fond of random bits of trivia, we’ve gathered a stack of …
interesting facts about IQ
12 Oct

13 Fun Facts About Your IQ

We all think we know what an IQ means, but do we really understand it? Does the number tell us more about ourselves other than just how bright we are (or wish we were)? Here’s some fun facts about IQ to find out… 1. What does IQ stand for? IQ is an abbreviation. It stands …
science facts
23 Aug

32 Interesting Science Facts

Isn’t science amazing? We could probably run thousands of fact files on the weird and wonderful world we live in. However, to start with, we’ve lined up a stack of facts for you about science and our place in the universe to whet your appetite for some truly amazing stats and figures. Do you know …
facts about the human body
19 Mar

23 Weird And Wonderful Facts About The Human Body

How often do you actually think about your own body?  We’re meant to look after ourselves better than we probably do.  How well do you know your own body?  Here are 23 interesting facts about the human body to tickle your brain. 1. Your feet are more complex than you think 25% of your bones are …