Storms fun facts

facts about lightning
24 Dec

11 Loud Facts About Lightning

Lightning litreally brightens up the night sky! This burst of electricity can be dramatic and fascinating from a distance – but can be deadly if you are incredibly unlucky! Here are some fun facts about lightning that you may not be aware of. 1. Lightning strikes all over the world, all of the time. Annually …
facts about Hurricanes
11 Oct

16 Devastating Facts About Hurricanes

Hurricanes are deadly, devastating, and fascinating at the same time. They are some of the deadliest natural phenomena on the planet, mostly tearing across the US and the Caribbean, causing untold damage in their wake. There are even people who like to chase and record hurricanes and tornadoes – rather them than us! We’ve run …
Fun Facts about Blizzards
20 Jul

9 Fun Facts About Blizzards

You’re unlikely to pay much attention to blizzards unless you’re getting struck by one! Here’s some fun facts about blizzards, and how extraordinary and deadly they can be at the same time… 1. What classifies as a blizzard? It is only considered blizzard conditions if the winds are in excess of 35 miles per hour, …
cyclone 2100663 1280
23 May

15 Turbulent Facts About Tornadoes

Tornadoes, twisters – you name them – are huge spirals of dangerous wind that often cause a lot of damage and can even prove fatal.  Many people love following tornadoes, as from a distance they can look amazing!  However, it’s probably best to try and keep a strong tornado at more than just arm’s length. …