Stonehenge fun facts

England Facts
7 Sep

42 Funny Facts About The UK

The United Kingdom, sometimes referred to as Great Britain (or is it? – more on that below), generally includes the separate nations of England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland. Well – it doesn’t include Northern Ireland if you’re calling it Britain, but let’s not get ahead of ourselves! It is one of the most influential …
Old pub in Wiltshire, The New Inn
4 Oct

12 Wondrous Facts About Wiltshire

Wiltshire is well-known for its countryside scenes, walks and incredible history. However, it’s not all listed buildings and stunning vistas. Even if you live in the region, there might still be a few facts and figures about the county which might just surprise you. Let’s take a look at a few fun facts about Wiltshire …
interesting facts about UNESCO
21 Jul

13 Unbelievable Facts About UNESCO

We live in an increasing and fascinating world!  Thanks to the work of groups such as UNESCO, our rich history and heritage remains preserved for generations to come.  But what does UNESCO actually do?  As an introduction, here are some interesting facts about UNESCO: 1. Why was UNESCO founded? UNESCO’s aim is, ultimately, to promote …
Facts about England
16 Jul

34 Eye-Opening Facts About England

There’s likely to be plenty about England you don’t already know! Even if you were born here, the country is steeped deep in history – from humble beginnings to the rise of the British empire – as well as plenty of infighting with Scotland in between – the English heritage is one which has marvelled …
interesting facts about Stonehenge
7 Apr

11 Fun Facts About Stonehenge

From the Giant’s Causeway to the Pyramids, mysterious places have survived hundreds, if not thousands of years, all around the world; and despite its less than appealing motorway-adjacent location, Stonehenge is nothing if not an unsolved enigma, not least because experts are still unable to understand why it was built! With some historical groups of …