Spirits fun facts

facts about whisky
22 Nov

13 Wonderful Facts About Whisky

Whiskey is one of the most-drunk alcoholic spirits in the world. However, there is a certain way of making whiskey, and the way it tastes can really differ from bottle to bottle, and from place to place. Even if you are a seasoned whiskey drinker, there may still be plenty of facts about the spirit …
interesting facts about gin
19 May

11 Glorious Facts About Gin

Gin is one of the world’s most popular alcoholic spirits. Not usually drank neat, but with a tonic or as part of a cocktail – here’s some interesting and some fun facts about gin for you to enjoy… 1. What does gin taste like? Gin is a clear alcoholic spirit, traditionally made from juniper berries …
interesting facts about rum
8 Apr

10 Remarkable Facts About Rum

It’s a delicious alcoholic drink produced across the tropics and enjoyed all over the world, here are some fun facts about Rum: 1. Rum has a simple ingredient. Rum is an alcoholic drink made from sugarcane molasses. 2. Sugarcane has a rich history. Sugarcane was first cultivated in New Guinea, 10,000 years ago – and …