Slavery fun facts

Interesting facts about Benin
1 Jan

15 Brilliant Facts About Benin

Benin’s a West African country that was formerly known as Dahomey – and it has a lot of history and interesting culture worth knowing about. Did you know that it was once connected with France? It was referred to as the ‘Slave Coast’ as a result of its pivotal place in the trade process. Here …
interesting facts about the Caribbean
13 Oct

18 Sunny Facts About The Caribbean

Often described as the West Indies, the Caribbean archipelago is one of the world’s best yachting locations, and is ideal for year round sunny holidays with its tropical beaches that are spread over approximately 1 million square miles. Brush up your worldly knowledge with these 14 fun facts about the Caribbean: 1. Columbus found the …
Facts about Slavery
10 Sep

33 Shocking Facts About Slavery

Slavery was, and still is, a very real threat to human freedom. The very definition of the act of slavery is to hold someone against their will, and to coerce them into doing things they have the right to refuse. History lessons have taught us that slave trading occurred hundreds of years ago, however, modern …