Siberia fun facts

the russian revolution
28 Nov

10 Roaring Facts about the Russian Revolution

Russia is a nation with a tumultuous history, one that’s still ongoing – and one of the landmark moments in the country’s past is the Russian Revolution, which took place during World War I. During a period of intensive revolution against the Tsarist regime, Bolsheviks led by Vladimir Lenin took over the state and eventually …
Trans-Siberian Railway in Russia
11 Aug

9 Trailblazing Facts about the Trans-Siberian Railway

Whether you’re a trainspotter or not, it’s likely you’ve heard of the extensive Trans-Siberian railway, which boasts a long list of records. The emphasis, of course, is on “long!” Here are some fun facts about the Trans-Siberian Railway that might just interest you. 1. It is – by far – the longest railway line in …
facts about Siberian huskies
10 Oct

16 Fun Facts About Siberian Huskies

Siberian Huskies are some of the most gorgeous breeds of dog on the planet – who wouldn’t turn away a face like that? They are also very energetic, hard-working, and are extremely loyal! However, there is certainly more to your average husky than meets the eye. Therefore, whether you are a husky lover or just …
interesting facts about the Ural Mountains
30 Aug

28 Massive Facts About The Ural Mountains

If you’ve read through any of our fact files in the past, you’ll know that Russia is a very big place indeed – with lots of intriguing history! However, beyond revolutions and changes in regime, you’ll find even more fascinating history out in the natural ridges of the Ural mountains. This extensive mountain range is …
Facts about Siberia
12 Aug

13 Spectacular Facts About Siberia

When you think of Siberia, you likely imagine the very coldest reaches of Russia – and there are plenty of reasons for this! However, there is more to Siberia than sub zero temperatures. Did you know just how large Siberia is, for example? Do you know how chilly it can actually get in the area …