seal fun facts

leopard seal
16 Feb

10 Lively Facts About Leopard Seals

Leopard seals may be among the cutest animals on the planet, but they are also incredibly strong, fast, and carnivorous! Simply put, you don’t want to be locked in a tank with a hungry one alone! Here are some seriously fun facts about leopard seals. 1. What is a leopard seal, anyway? While it may …
pinniped swimming
28 Jan

15 Super-Cute Facts About Seals

Seals are sweet-looking creatures – these mammals are often referred to as the ‘dogs of the sea’! They are amazing swimmers and are super-photogenic – but there’s a lot more to these flipper-ed friends than they let on. Let’s clue up on some fun facts about seals to see how much you know. 1. They …