Pigs fun facts

facts about warthogs 6
22 Sep

25 Wonderful Facts About Warthogs

If your knowledge of the warthog starts and ends with ‘The Lion King’, it’s time to clue yourself up! While not the prettiest of creatures, these tusked beasts are some of the most fascinating you’ll find in the wild. It’s well worth keeping your distance, as they’re fairly dangerous. Take a look at these 25 …
facts about pigs
26 Apr

30 Fun Facts About Pigs

Pigs are more than just sources of bacon!  If anything, they are some of the most interesting animals we share the planet with. More than just swill-guzzling pink porcines, these grunting geniuses may well surprise you.  Here are some fun facts about pigs which you may not be aware of… 1. Pigs are probably cleaner …
Nutrition Facts for Ham
26 Mar

16 Nutrition Facts About Ham

We love tucking into a nice slice or two of ham, but how much do we really know about one of our favourite foods? It’s time to take closer look at the nutrition facts for ham! Ham is typically 53% water! Lean ham will be at least one quarter protein. It contains the 9 essential …