Oxfordshire fun facts

England Facts
7 Sep

42 Funny Facts About The UK

The United Kingdom, sometimes referred to as Great Britain (or is it? – more on that below), generally includes the separate nations of England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland. Well – it doesn’t include Northern Ireland if you’re calling it Britain, but let’s not get ahead of ourselves! It is one of the most influential …
27 Nov

10 Captivating Facts About The Cotswolds

If you’ve spent any time looking for stunning landscapes to vacation across England, you’ve likely come across the Cotswolds before. And, if you’re a fan of Clarkson’s Farm, Bridget Jones’ Diary, or The Holiday, then the chances are you may have already seen parts of it! But how much do you know about the area? …
Blenheim Palace front view
2 Feb

16 Beautiful Facts About Blenheim Palace

One of the most opulent and majestic looking buildings in the whole of the UK, Blenheim Palace is often thought to be the inspiration for TV’s ‘Downton Abbey’ – and it really shows. However, there is more to the palace than just fancy, ornate flourishes. It’s likely to be a location you’ve seen many times …
facts about oxfordshire
20 Sep

11 Outstanding Facts About Oxfordshire

More than just a prestigious university county, Oxfordshire is home to some of England’s most fascinating heritage trails and country walks. Not only that, but the quaint surroundings of the region are replete with listed buildings, famous filming locations and more besides. Even if you already live in Oxfordshire, it’s likely that there is still …