Organizations fun facts

The Illuminati
12 Feb

9 Leading Facts about the Illuminati

Sssh… have you heard of the Illuminati? We have all probably heard about conspiracy theories regarding this supposed secret group and their place in societies across the world today, and from long ago! However, it is important to remember that most of the information about the Illuminati is just that – conspiracy theories! Here are …
facts about the freemasons
16 Dec

11 Reserved Facts about the Freemasons

Perhaps the best-known specialist society on the planet, Freemasonry has extended all over the world, and Freemasons have been attending meetings for hundreds of years. It’s no secret that Freemasons exist – they simply can’t tell you what goes on in their meetings! However, Freemasonry doesn’t mean you’re part of a ‘secret club’ – they …
commonwealth of nations flag
3 Sep

10 Comforting Facts about the Commonwealth

Many of us have heard of the Commonwealth, and depending on where you are, you might even be a part of it yourself! But, what is the Commonwealth, and how did it come about? It’s not all about track and field! Here are some fun facts about the Commonwealth to help clue you in. 1. …