On this day fun facts

National Anthem Day
3 Mar

On This Day – March 3rd

March 3rd is a step closer to spring, and for many people, it’s a great day for celebrating – but what about some of the interesting historical events that took place today going back years? Who do you share a birthday with? Let’s take a look at March 3rd in a little more detail.
National Old Stuff Day
2 Mar

On This Day – March 2nd

Ever wondered what went down on March 2nd in years gone by? Whether it’s your birthday, a special anniversary, or otherwise, there are tons of great reasons why today’s worth remembering. Keep reading for the full lowdown on why March 2nd is a date you’ll want to keep in your diary.
World Music Therapy Day - 1st March
1 Mar

On This Day – March 1st

March 1st can often feel like the first day of spring, just knowing that we’re entering a month where the days will get longer, the sun will get warmer, and we’ll be that much closer to the summer! But it’s also proven to be a day of great historical importance! Here are some of the …
Tropical forest
28 Feb

On This Day – February 29th

If it’s the 29th of February, then it’s Leap Day, and it’s been four years since we last took February to the max, and we’re doing it again today! That’s right – the 29th of February only comes around once every four years, so let’s see what has happened throughout history on this elusive day!
World Spay Day
28 Feb

On This Day – February 28th

On February 28th in history, we saw the creation of a ghost word, discovered the structure of DNA, and witnessed the end of M*A*S*H! Read on to find out what else happened on the (sort of) last day of February – and what it means if you were born today.
National Embroidery Month - February
26 Feb

On This Day – February 26th

On February 26th we caught “Thriller” fever, there were a million seeds in a vault in Norway, and we chose today to write a letter to an elderly person. But that really isn’t the full extent of this important date! What else happened on February 26th?
National Quiet Day
25 Feb

On This Day – February 25th

From the first dollar bill to the win that created a boxing legend – February 25th has been anything but boring! What else happened on this day throughout history? Read on to find out…
World Bartender Day
24 Feb

On This Day – February 24th

A historic royal engagement, the discovery of a dinosaur embryo, and the retirement of a controversial world leader… there’s a lot that’s gone down on February 24th over the years! Here are just a few of the most interesting things which have happened on February 24th – and congratulations if you’re celebrating today!
Classified ads
23 Feb

On This Day – February 23rd

February 23rd has seen so many historic events throughout the years! We’ve narrowed it down to just the most exciting ones – it’s time to clue up on what makes today so special. Read on to find out what happened on February 23rd…
Bird feeders for February
22 Feb

On This Day – February 22nd

You might think that February 22nd is an ordinary day, but you’d be wrong – millions of people have birthdays today! But, that’s not all. From the date of one of the biggest robberies in British history, and the debut of the first successfully cloned mammal, February 22nd has more than a few reasons to …
Gerald Holtom's Peace symbol
21 Feb

On This Day – February 21st

February 21st is here! So much has happened on this date throughout the years – where do we start? We’ve found the most exciting and historic events that have taken place on February 21st, read on below to get in the know.
Modern Art
20 Feb

On This Day – February 20th

It’s hard to believe that we’re nearing the end of the month already! That’s February for you – it’s short but eventful! February 20th is one of those days that has plenty of historic intrigue, and a large number of celebrity birthdays that might just surprise you. Keep reading, and we’ll clue you in on …
National Arabian Horse Day
19 Feb

On This Day – February 19th

Are you celebrating today? If so, congratulations – but as it turns out, February 19th is an important day for all kinds of different reasons! From new inventions to medical breakthroughs, here’s why February 19th is held in such high regard by so many people.
The Volkswagen Beetle was first announced! The perky little German car that we all know, and many of us love, first came about in February 1936!
18 Feb

On This Day – February 18th

February 18th is far from being a normal day! There’s so much to remember and appreciate about today – from planet discoveries to finding new ways to communicate, there are tons of reasons to start commemorating February 18th. Here are a few ideas to help you get started…