On this day fun facts

fun facts about sea turtles
16 Jun

On This Day – June 16th

June 16th is a bit of a milestone – it means we’re nearly at the end of the school year, the sun’s out, and so are we! It’s also a pretty important occasion for Hitchcock fans, Pepsi drinkers, and lovers of sea creatures everywhere. Let’s leap right into why June 16th is such a notable …
National Foam Party Day
15 Jun

On This Day – June 15th

So, you’ve made it halfway through the month, and we’re proud of you! So, to celebrate, we think you should take the time to find out what makes June 15th so special. As it happens, it’s a day full of giant sharks, foam, and kite flying. Let’s get started…
14 Jun

On This Day – June 14th

June 14th lands us close to the middle of the month, and we’re close to the heart of the summer. Where is this year going? In any case, June 14th is a milestone day for many people, and as you’ll discover below, it’s a big deal for bourbon drinkers and flag fanatics alike. Read on …
Keith Richards - Rolling Stones
13 Jun

On This Day – June 13th

The 13th can sometimes be a scary date for some people, and, given some moments from June 13ths past, it certainly was. But, it is also a date for celebration and some impressive achievements! Here’s everything you should know about June 13th – it’s time to batter up, and maybe even do a spot of …
Kim Jong-Un and America's Donald Trump
12 Jun

On This Day – June 12th

June 12th sounds like just another summer’s day, right? Maybe not. It’s not only famous for marking some of history’s most notable moments, but it’s also a great day to dress up like Superman and eat some falafel. As weird as that sounds, you’re going to need to keep reading for the context…!
National German Chocolate Cake Day
11 Jun

On This Day – June 11th

Now, you may be thinking that June 11th is just another day to get through, but did you know that June 11th has proven to be one of the most notable dates in modern history? No spoilers until we dive straight in… but make sure to have some multicolour yarn handy, that’s all we’re saying…
Gerald Holtom's Peace symbol
10 Jun

On This Day – June 10th

June 10th is a fantastic day for trying new sweet treats – according to our national days source! What’s more, it’s something of a somber day for remembering lives lost and marking important steps taken in the name of social equality. Regardless of how you intend to mark June 10th today, here are a few …
Donald Duck
9 Jun

On This Day – June 9th

Pies, fictional ducks, international relations – it’s a wonder that June 9th isn’t better known on the calendar! You may already be celebrating a birthday or an anniversary today – but whether you are or not, there are plenty more reasons to mark June 9th as a date to remember. Let’s dive into what we …
bird’s eye view of the atlantic ocean
8 Jun

On This Day – June 8th

June 8th is by no means just another day in the calendar. It’s a brilliant day to start thinking about our gorgeous planet, to look back on some fascinating European history, and even to break out a bikini! Here’s everything we know about this fantastic date…
The Pub Crawl
7 Jun

On This Day – June 7th

June 7th has proven to be a very important date throughout history all over the world! It also happens to be a pretty special day for chocolate ice cream lovers, fans of the French monarchy, and Shakespeare enthusiasts. We won’t just leave you hanging… here’s why!
Yo-yo toy
6 Jun

On This Day – June 6th

June 6th is a hugely important day for many different reasons. The most important, perhaps, is that it marks D-Day, one of the most crucial moments in World War II that helped see Allied forces push back against Nazi Germany. However, there are plenty of other reasons to mark June 6th, too – and here …
5 Jun

On This Day – June 5th

June 5th is more than just another summer’s day for us here in the upper hemisphere. It’s a notable day for trainspotters, environmentalists, and fans of Jim Carrey movies. Let’s take a deeper dive into what makes June 5th so great – and why you’ll want to remember this date for years to come.   …
January 7th - On this day
4 Jun

On This Day – June 4th

June 4th is actually a pretty cheesy day – we’ll explain why shortly! However, it’s also a highly important day in world history and politics, as well as a great day for celebrating our pets. If you’re already celebrating a birthday, congratulations – but here are some more reasons why June 4th is so notable.
facts about egg
3 Jun

On This Day – June 3rd

June 3rd is more than just another day. It’s a great day to try some sweet apple juice, dig out your old school globe, and to start preparing for the summer bites and bugs to come. Of course, there are also plenty of historical events that took place today, too – so let’s take a …
interesting facts about Hong Kong
2 Jun

On This Day – June 2nd

Ready for another red hot day of summer? Well, you are if you live in the upper hemisphere – it’s pretty cool elsewhere in the world! June 2nd is not just a great day for Geminis, but also one where we remember the coronation of one of the world’s longest-ever standing monarchs, and mark the …