Nouakchott fun facts

interesting facts about Mauritania
2 May

17 Momentous Facts About Mauritania

Want to know more about Africa’s biggest countries and communities? Here are some fun facts about Mauritania you might want to digest! 1. Where is Mauritania, anyway? Mauritania is bordered with Senegal to the south west, Mali to the south east, Algeria to the north east, Morocco to the north, the Western Sahara to the …
interesting facts about Nouakchott
21 Oct

16 Noteworthy Facts About Nouakchott

Like to know a little more about the capital cities of the world? Take a look at these 16 fun facts about Nouakchott! Geographical stats… Nouakchott is the capital city of Mauritania. Wondering how to say the name of this wonderful city? It’s pronounced Nwahk-shot. The total land area of Nouakchott is 400 square miles …