Northamptonshire fun facts

England Facts
7 Sep

42 Funny Facts About The UK

The United Kingdom, sometimes referred to as Great Britain (or is it? – more on that below), generally includes the separate nations of England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland. Well – it doesn’t include Northern Ireland if you’re calling it Britain, but let’s not get ahead of ourselves! It is one of the most influential …
Northamptonshire header
16 Nov

10 Neat Facts about Northamptonshire

If you know anything about the various counties in England, the chances are that you have already heard of Northamptonshire. This particular area is known for its markets, its motor racing, and its shoes – believe it or not! Here are some fun facts about Northamptonshire to help clue you in. 1. It is in …
Silverstone at night
30 Dec

24 Super Facts About Silverstone

Anyone who knows a thing or two about Formula One motor racing will surely recognise Silverstone as the British staple of the World Grand Prix, and as such, it’s become a firm favourite with drivers and fans alike. Silverstone is known to millions as the heart of motor racing for many people. Therefore, it’s unsurprising …