Niger fun facts

Interesting facts about Niger
22 Jun

18 Noteworthy Facts about Niger

Are you reading up on the history of Africa – and are intrigued by some of the communities across this enormous continent? Great news – here are some fun facts about Niger that you’ll want to remember. 1. The river named the country! Niger is a country that’s actually named after a river – the …
interesting facts about the Sahara Desert
13 Oct

15 Hot Facts About The Sahara Desert

The Sahara Desert is huge, iconic and breathtaking.  It’s located in North Africa and covers large portions of the continent, but how much do you really know about this sandy region? Let’s shine a light on these 15 fun facts about the Sahara Desert… 1. The Sahara isn’t the biggest desert. The Sahara is the world’s …
interesting facts about africa
16 Mar

56 Amazing Facts About Africa

Africa is one of the most incredible continents on the planet. A truly diverse region home to much of the world’s most famous wildlife, it is also an incredible region for commerce and culture. It’s one of the biggest continents on the globe full stop, meaning that it’s unlikely you will be able to cover …
interesting facts about Niamey
21 Oct

15 Noteworthy Facts About Niamey

Like to know a little more about the capital cities of the world? Take a look at these 15 fun facts about Niamey! Geographical stats… Niamey is the capital city of Niger. Wondering how to say the name of this hot and sunny city? It’s pronounced Nyah-mey. The total land area of Niamey is 92 …