New Year’s Eve fun facts

facts about New Years eve
25 Dec

22 Awesome Facts About New Year’s Eve

New Year’s Eve is a pivotal point in the calendar for many people all over the world. An excuse to celebrate and let your hair down, it’s often celebrated with bottles of bubbly, fireworks displays, and songs to remember faraway people by. It’s generally one of the final celebrations of the Christmas period, too, leading …
facts about champagne
14 Dec

13 Luxurious Facts About Champagne

Champers, bubbly, fizz – call it what you like, champagne remains one of the most lucrative and luxurious drinks available. Of course, the heart of the champagne industry resides in France, though a taste for the fizzy stuff has really travelled far and wide. Love it or hate it, there is plenty of history and …
Colorful display of fireworks
22 Oct

12 Fascinating Facts About Fireworks

Fireworks have been a fixture of celebrations all over the world for hundreds of years. In fact the history and figures behind fireworks are truly fascinating! Whether you’re lining up a private celebration or are heading to a big display, here are some fun facts about fireworks that might just surprise you. Time to clue …