Nazi fun facts

Warsaw Ghetto header
20 Oct

11 Grisly Facts about the Warsaw Ghetto

The Warsaw Ghetto was a curtailed region of Poland that suffered greatly at the hands of Adolf Hitler and Nazi Party members during World War II. Many people died as a result of the Nazis’ regime in Poland – and it’s important that we remember the struggles people went through to finally escape the horrors …
Holocaust header
9 Aug

9 Harrowing Facts about the Holocaust

The Holocaust was a devastating period of history during which Nazi Germany persecuted and slaughtered Jewish and ethnic families over a four-year period. While the atrocities at ‘concentration camps’ such as Auschwitz occurred decades ago, we must never forget the lessons learned from such a horrific period. Here are nine important facts about the Holocaust. …
soldiers fighting in world war 2
20 Jan

15 Interesting Facts about WW2

Known as the Second Great War, World War II – or WW2 for short – is regarded as one of the most devastating conflicts of the past few centuries. It’s infamous for having started on the back of Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party’s rise to power in Germany, their persecution and murder of Jewish …
Facts about Rasism
15 Apr

30 Revealing Facts About Racism

Racism and racial discrimination have, horrifyingly, been dark sides to our culture and society for as long as humanity has been evolving. While many assume that we are living in ‘enlightened times’, events in recent history such as the police killing of George Floyd show that there is still very much a need for people …