Milky Way fun facts

facts about stars
12 Aug

13 Spectacular Facts About The Stars

Whenever you look up at night sky, you’re likely to see thousands of glittering stars hanging in the dark. Stars are many light years away, meaning that we may never hope to reach them. We’ve mapped them to help understand our universe and to navigate Earth. Are you fascinated by the night sky and its …
Facts about the Solar System
10 Aug

14 Super Facts About The Solar System

Is our Solar System the centre of the universe, a few grains of sand on an entire beach, or simply the very limit of what we know about space? Take a look at these 13 fun facts about the Solar System to answer those questions… 1. There’s a fiery moon out there. Jupiter has a …
interesting facts about the milky way
8 Apr

17 Magical Facts About The Milky Way

Our galaxy is called the Milky Way. You could compare it to one city in a vast network of cities. As the birthplace of humanity, home to billions of stars, there are so many mysteries surrounding our galaxy that scientists have yet to unravel. But over the centuries they have made numerous discoveries, revealing a …