Language fun facts

facts about dictionary 2
14 Jul

10 Defining Facts about the Dictionary

We all need help from a dictionary sometimes – and we all had to take time to learn how to use them when we were kids. Dictionaries are some of the most useful and underrated tools we have. These tomes of words and definitions are pretty overlooked sometimes – and we think it’s time they …
Braille book
5 Jul

10 Brilliant Facts about Braille

Where would millions of us be without brilliant Braille? This incredible language tool helps millions of people with sight difficulties across the globe every day – and is always helping people with sight impairment to enjoy new books and access more facilities. So, let’s take a closer look at this all-important invention! Here are some …
Interesting facts about Cockney rhyming slang
15 Jun

10 Fun Facts about Cockney Rhyming Slang

Cor blimey, love a duck! Down the apples and pears – what does it all mean? Many of us think of London when rhyming slang comes to mind – and that’s mainly thanks to Cockney speak having led the way for creative language! Let’s take a look at some fun facts about rhyming slang worth …