January fun facts

facts about Capricorn
31 Dec

10 Certified Facts about Capricorn

Were you born towards the end of December and before the end of January? Then you’re likely to be a Capricorn, represented by the goat in the Western Zodiac. Capricorns are known for being very well-balanced, easy to be around, kind, and intelligent. But, as everyone does, Capricorns do have their downfalls, too. Here are …
facts about Aquarius
29 Dec

14 Amazing Facts About Aquarius

If you were born between the dates of January 19th and February 19th, you’re one of the lucky ones! This means you’re an Aquarius, or the water carrier. You’re a water sign and are known for your unique qualities and interesting flaws. Here are some of the most frequently common facts about Aquarius, and who …
31 Jan

On This Day – January 31st

That’s a wrap for January! You made it through a whole month of the New Year, but the fun isn’t over yet. From an infamous train robbery to the very first winter Olympics, read on to learn about all the fun we’ve had on January 31st – and mark some historical events along the way.
30 Jan

On This Day – January 30th

We’re heading closer towards the end of January now – but as it happens, there’s still lots more to learn about today. Whether you’re celebrating a landmark birthday or anniversary, there are a few extra reasons why January 30th is such an important day for so many people. Let’s dive into why that’s the case!
29 Jan

On This Day – January 29th

It likely doesn’t seem long since the year started, but we’re heading straight into February shortly with very little warning! It’s January 29th, which while it may not seem like a special day in itself (unless it’s your birthday or it holds a place in your heart), still holds plenty of historical moments worth remembering. …
On This Day - January 28th
28 Jan

On This Day – January 28th

January 28th brings us even closer towards spring, but the month’s still got a few little surprises up its sleeves to share with us just yet. In this guide, we’ll take you through some important historic events – and famous birthdays – to help you mark January 28th properly. It’s more than just another day!
Facts about the ISS
27 Jan

On This Day – January 27th

January 27th pulls us ever-closer to the end of January, and one further step towards the spring – the cold snap will be over soon! It may even be a special day for you or loved ones – but did you know it’s also a fairly important day looking back in history, too? In this …
Interesting facts about Australia
26 Jan

On This Day – January 26th

January 26th is a day notable for many different historical firsts, and no doubt plenty of you out there are celebrating birthdays and anniversaries! If you’ve headed here to find out who you share your birthday with, or to check up on historic events from years gone by, you’re in for a treat. Keep reading …
Dalmatian dog
25 Jan

On This Day – January 25th

January 25th is an important day for millions of people celebrating birthdays, anniversaries, and more – but did you know it’s a highly important date in the Scottish calendar, too? You’ll find out why below – but first, let’s dig into a few interesting things that happened on this day going back years, decades, centuries…
wedding day smiles
24 Jan

On This Day – January 24th

January 24th is likely to be a special day indeed for millions of you – but why else should we be marking the occasion worldwide? It’s a notable day for Apple fans, and if you’re a big fan of laughing till you cry – you’re in for a treat. Let’s take a look at some …
23 Jan

On This Day – January 23rd

It’s January 23rd – and while it may seem like “just another day” to a lot of people, there is a great deal to give thanks for today! Let’s dive into why you may want to remember 23rd January, whether you are already celebrating it for a private reason or not!
Yayoi Kusama
22 Jan

On This Day – January 22nd

We’re well past mid-month in the new year now – and hopefully, some of you out there are still sticking to your resolutions! If not, don’t worry – you won’t be alone. But what if you have a special day to celebrate on January 22nd – are there any historical events or celebrity birthdays that …
Colored socks
21 Jan

On This Day – January 21st

We’re past the midpoint of the month now – which means we’re edging closer to February! It’s January 21st, and there are plenty of interesting facts to take away from today – so let’s dig into some historical points of interest and find out why it’s such an iconic date on the calendar.
National Cheese Lover’s Day
20 Jan

On This Day – January 20th

What can we say about January 20th? It’s a pivotal day in history for cinematic entertainment, for civil rights recognition, and for… cheese? It’s all true – keep reading for the full lowdown on what happened on January 20th back in history, and why it’s a day worth remembering.
Good Memory Day
19 Jan

On This Day – January 19th

January 19th is no ordinary date to just gloss over! A lot has happened on this fateful day throughout history – it’s an important landmark for computing, royal history, and for setting world records. If you’re celebrating an occasion today, here’s what you need to know about January 19th.