Illinois fun facts

facts about Illinois
19 Apr

10 Interesting Facts about Illinois

Home to the Windy City and more besides, the Prairie State provides the US – and the world – with all manner of engineering expertise – and did you know it’s also the birthplace of McDonald’s? In this fact file, we’ll take a closer look at what you seriously need to know about this curious …
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6 Jan

12 Speedy Facts about Historic Route 66

This historic US highway was built to link Chicago in the east to California in the West.  But what do you really know about this stretch of iconic tarmac?  Here’s 12 fun facts about Route 66 worth learning: 1. It’s been around for nearly 100 years! Route 66 was opened on November 11, 1926, and …
facts about the mississippi river
19 Dec

17 Fun Facts About The Mississippi River

The Mississippi River, found in – guess where – Mississippi, US, has the distinction of being the second-longest river of its kind in North America. That’s an incredible distinction – and anyone who has ever visited the river will likely tell you they are surprised it is only the second-longest! However, there’s more to these …
facts about USA
17 Mar

26 Uncensored Facts About The USA

If you have family or friends who live in the USA or if you’re looking to move here, take a look at these 26 fun facts about the USA and impress the locals with your quiz-busting knowledge! 1. The USA is MASSIVE The USA is a large country consisting of 50 states in North America. …