Houses of Parliament fun facts

houses of parliament facts
3 Sep

31 Fun Facts About The Houses of Parliament

When it comes to lawmaking and some of the most important societal matters affecting the UK, you can always look toward the Houses of Parliament. The Houses of Parliament are where the main representatives of the British government sit. It is here that laws are discussed, changed, and made, and MPs debate matters that affect …
facts about guy fawkes
7 Oct

24 Explosive Facts About Guy Fawkes

We’re all well aware of the plot element in the film V for Vendetta and the use of Guy Fawkes’ masks. After the film, the Guy Fawkes’ masks have become a universally known symbol of protest used among various groups. The masks both conceal the identity of the protestants and demonstrate their commitment to a …
interesting facts about london
10 Jul

20 Fun Facts About London

A must-visit city on many people’s bucket lists that’s crammed full of history, London is a melting pot of modern culture and diversity.  Want to know a little more about the capital city of Great Britain? Take a look at these super fun facts about London! 1. London is a double capital. London is the capital city …
interesting facts about Big Ben
28 Jun

13 Brilliant Facts About Big Ben

Big Ben Tower is one of the UK’s most recognizable landmarks.  When you think of London, you likely think of the clock tower that stands proudly next to the Houses of Parliament! However, while the tower has been a staple of the London skyline for hundreds of years, it is still a fairly mysterious structure!  …