Hampshire fun facts

England Facts
7 Sep

42 Funny Facts About The UK

The United Kingdom, sometimes referred to as Great Britain (or is it? – more on that below), generally includes the separate nations of England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland. Well – it doesn’t include Northern Ireland if you’re calling it Britain, but let’s not get ahead of ourselves! It is one of the most influential …
fun facts about Hampshire
22 May

16 Happy Facts About Hampshire

Hampshire is one of England’s most gorgeous unsung settlements. While it is home to hundreds of thousands of people, this historic and fascinating county is also likely to pull in tourists year in, year out. There are plenty of big attractions in the local towns and cities which are likely to appeal to people all …
Facts about England
16 Jul

34 Eye-Opening Facts About England

There’s likely to be plenty about England you don’t already know! Even if you were born here, the country is steeped deep in history – from humble beginnings to the rise of the British empire – as well as plenty of infighting with Scotland in between – the English heritage is one which has marvelled …
The Needles - a famous outcrop of chalk stacks with a lighthouse.
2 Apr

15 Wonderful Facts About The Isle Of Wight

There’s something a bit mysterious about the Isle of Wight – at least, to anyone who’s never been there!  Just off the Southern mainland from England, it’s a popular holiday destination and community with incredible history behind it.  But what are some truly fun facts about the Isle of Wight?  Let’s take a look. 1. …
facts about the new forest
2 Apr

14 Fantastic Facts About The New Forest

The New Forest National Park in Hampshire, is an area with a fascinating history.  It was created by the Norman King, William the Conqueror in 1079 and remains one of the largest and most popular tracts of unenclosed land in England. Thinking of visiting this green and pleasant district for this years staycation?  Here’s some …