Geneva fun facts

facts about geneva
2 May

10 Generous Facts about Geneva

If you’ve spent any time at all traveling in Switzerland, there’s a good chance you may have already seen the sights of Geneva. This truly stunning city is the home base of the United Nations, a genuine physics hub, and home to watchmakers the world flocks to from all corners. But there’s plenty more to …
interesting facts about Switzerland
30 Sep

23 Scintillating Facts About Switzerland

Want to learn a little more about the countries of the world and increase your chance of winning the next geography quiz? Take a look at these fun facts about Switzerland! 1. Many people call the country home. It has a population of 8.776 million people (2022). 2. It’s a very hilly region! Switzerland is …
interesting facts about Rolex Watches
7 Apr

12 Fun Facts About Rolex Watches

You probably know Rolex as one of the biggest watchmakers on the planet.  They are well-known for their luxury approach to the craft, helping to make some of the most stunning timepieces for sale.  When you buy a Rolex, you know you’re investing in high quality watchmaking! But how well do you actually know the …