Florida fun facts

facts about Fort Lauderdale
16 May

9 Fascinating Facts about Fort Lauderdale

Is it a castle? Is it ruins? If you’ve never been, knowing what to expect from Fort Lauderdale is perhaps a little difficult. It’s a Floridian city – and its name actually holds a lot of important history behind it. With that in mind, let’s take a look at some fun facts about Fort Lauderdale …
facts about Miami
8 Jun

10 Marvellous Facts about Miami

Miami is the seventh-largest metropolitan area in the whole United States of America, and you’ll find it on the west coast of Florida. This popular holiday destination draws thousands of visitors annually thanks to its fabulous beaches, great climate and its reputation for hospitality! Read on for some fun facts about Miami that might just …
cape canaveral facts
11 Jan

16 Cracking Facts About Cape Canaveral

Cape Canaveral is an American city on the west coast of Florida. However, you’ll likely know it best for its connections with space travel and its fantastic coastline! Here are some fun facts about Cape Canaveral worth strapping in for. 1. Where exactly is Cape Canaveral, anyway? It is in the county of West Brevard …
Interesting facts about the Everglades
20 Sep

11 Wild Facts About The Florida Everglades

No matter where you are in the US, there are always likely to be a few stunning national park scenes that you can head to for a walk or two. The Florida Everglades provide some of the most spectacular wetland and waterside scenes you’ll find at this end of the country. Known as ‘croc country’ …
fun facts about Florida
22 Aug

26 Fun Facts About Florida

Florida, known to millions as the Sunshine State, is a hugely popular holiday point for millions of people all over the world.  However, it is home to more than just Disney World and oranges! Here’s some fun facts about Florida you may not already be aware of… 1. Head to Florida for fun on the …
facts about gulf of mexico
28 May

14 Great Facts About The Gulf of Mexico

The Gulf of Mexico is one of the most beautiful corners of the world, and yet most of us only know about the tourist hotspots it has to offer. Well, those days are finally over with these fun facts about the Gulf of Mexico – just what you need to liven up your day! 1. …
facts about USA
17 Mar

26 Uncensored Facts About The USA

If you have family or friends who live in the USA or if you’re looking to move here, take a look at these 26 fun facts about the USA and impress the locals with your quiz-busting knowledge! 1. The USA is MASSIVE The USA is a large country consisting of 50 states in North America. …