Essex fun facts

England Facts
7 Sep

42 Funny Facts About The UK

The United Kingdom, sometimes referred to as Great Britain (or is it? – more on that below), generally includes the separate nations of England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland. Well – it doesn’t include Northern Ireland if you’re calling it Britain, but let’s not get ahead of ourselves! It is one of the most influential …
15 Dec

11 Excellent Facts about Essex

As counties go in the UK, Essex is definitely among the most famous. From world-famous celebrities who come from the area to an entire TV series based on actual people of the county that became iconic for its one-liners, mass amounts of fake tan, and fascinating accents. Here are some fun facts about Essex you’ll …
Facts about England
16 Jul

34 Eye-Opening Facts About England

There’s likely to be plenty about England you don’t already know! Even if you were born here, the country is steeped deep in history – from humble beginnings to the rise of the British empire – as well as plenty of infighting with Scotland in between – the English heritage is one which has marvelled …