equator fun facts

facts about the equator
8 Dec

13 Enigmatic Facts About The Equator

The equator is an imaginary line that we use to help measure the planet. There’s latitudinal lines, longitudinal lines – and in general, things tend to really hot up the closer you get to the equator! Imaginary or not, there’s a lot to learn about this line – so here are some fun facts about …
Fun fact about Tropical Fish
6 Dec

15 Top Facts About Tropical Fish

Inspired by a certain Pixar movie and fancy taking a look at some fin-tastic new additions to your home tank? It’s time to look up a few fun facts about tropical fish that might surprise you – and who knows, they may even inspire you to start a whole new aquarium! 1. We’ve been keeping …
interesting facts about Ecuador
17 Nov

13 Exhilarating Facts About Ecuador

Hot, humid, and replete with amazing wildlife and beautiful landscapes, Ecuador can be found deep in the heart of South America, towards the west coast. Whether you’ve heard of the country thanks to its links to evolutionary theory, or you just fancy taking a trip somewhere sweltering in the near future, here are some fun …