elements fun facts

facts about gold
3 Mar

13 Glowing Facts About Gold

Gold – it’s widely regarded as one of the most sought-after and timeless elements you’ll find on the planet. It inspired the Gold Rush, of course – and while the true monetary value of gold may increase and decrease over the years, it is safe to say that the sheen and shine of a gold …
Hydrogen airship accident
5 Feb

13 Hazardous Facts About Hydrogen

Which chemical element has no colour, odor, taste, and also is a gaseous flammable substance? If you haven’t missed any chemistry classes you surely know the answer- Hydrogen (H)! Hydrogen is the first element in the periodic table and makes up 75% of the planet we live on. So what, right? It’s not alarming to …
Facts about titanium
8 May

15 Terrific Facts About Titanium

Titanium may not be something you think you come across every day, but it’s an element that’s actually pretty prevalent in all kinds of things. You could be using titanium to make phone calls with, you could even be using it to help brush your teeth – it really is a resource that offers a …