Electric fun facts

facts about electricity
29 Mar

10 Electric Facts about Electricity

We all need electricity. It has become as vital as air to us in this modern age! Everything runs on electricity, including our own bodies! Yet, how much do you know about the flow of electrical charge? Here are some super fun facts about electricity! 1. Are you getting any static? If you have had …
Magnet Fact
4 Jan

29 Magical Facts About Magnets

Any material capable of attracting iron-containing objects and creating a magnetic field outside itself is a magnet. By the end of the 19th century, it was discovered that all the known elements have some magnetic property. Magnets have become a big part of our everyday lives. They’re used to make a close-fitting seal on freezers’ …
fun facts about electric eels
12 Dec

14 High Energy Facts About Electric Eels

Electric eels really do give off a bit of a buzz! These curious creatures are closely related to the catfish and the carp, and you’ll normally find them milling about in murkier waters than most. But what else do you know about these shocking specimens? Here are some fun facts about electric eels that might …