Days of the Year fun facts

Amazing facts about the 1980s
9 Nov

On This Day – November 9th

November 9th may feel like a dark, rainy day for many of us in the upper hemisphere, but if we can learn anything from history, it’s that today can be full of surprises. It might be your birthday or you might otherwise be celebrating today – but whether you are or not, we’ve brought together …
interesting facts about lungs
8 Nov

On This Day – November 8th

So, November may not be known as the most fun month of the year, but we’d like you to give each day a chance! For example, November 8th is one of the most interesting days of the year! Here are some of the reasons why – and many happy returns if today happens to be …
Salto Angel Waterfall, Venezuela
6 Nov

On This Day – November 6th

Whether you’re recovering from fireworks from the night before or not, there are plenty of great reasons to mark November 6th in your calendar. If it’s your birthday, we’ll share with you a few famous people you’ll be celebrating alongside – and for those history buffs out there, we have a stack of November 6th …
5 Nov

On This Day – November 5th

Remember, remember the fifth of November… gunpowder, treason and plot! But what does that all mean? November 5th is a big day for Brits thanks to a curious national holiday, but there’s many more reasons why November 5th should be remembered and celebrated at all costs. We’ve rounded up some great facts about November 5th …
United Nations Human Rights Committee
4 Nov

On This Day – November 4th

Remember, remember, the fourth of November? Unless it’s your birthday or otherwise personally significant to you, you’d be forgiven for thinking November 4th is just another day. However, this early fall day has plenty of surprises up its sleeve, and there are lots of reasons people all over the world are marking 11/4. In this …
laika soviet dog
3 Nov

On This Day – November 3rd

November isn’t the best-loved month for those of us who just want Christmas to hurry up and arrive – but there are still plenty of reasons to mark each day of this blustery month. If you’re celebrating today, congratulations – there are plenty of different reasons why November 3rd is so well-remembered elsewhere, too. Let’s …
Facts about October 31st
31 Oct

On This Day – October 31st

For those of us in the West, Halloween is finally here – and it often marks the start of the holiday season for those of us in the US. However, there’s actually a little bit more to October 31st than just pumpkin carving and spooky treats. Let’s take a look at a few key reasons …
interesting facts about cats
30 Oct

On This Day – October 30th

It’s the day before Halloween, and we know you’ve got plenty on your mind! Remember to get the candy, get your costume ready, and start carving those pumpkins! But before you do, don’t let October 30th be the Robin to Halloween’s Batman! After all, this day has a lot of very special things hidden beneath …
human brain
29 Oct

On This Day – October 29th

October 29th is easily one of our favourite days of the year. But why is that? As it happens, October 29th is more than just another date leading up to the holiday season. Happy birthday if you’re celebrating today, and in the meantime, here are some of the most important things to know about October …
28 Oct

On This Day – October 28th

October 28th is just another fall day, right? Think again. Today’s a great day to look back at some of the most fascinating moments of societal history, and if you’re marking a birthday today, it’s also a great chance to see which famous people you share your special day with! Keep reading, and we’ll guide …
Audiovisual Heritage
27 Oct

On This Day – October 27th

October 27th takes us closer toward the end of October, and for fans of trick-or-treating in the West, we’re one day closer to Halloween. However, there’s lots to look forward to on October 27th – and if you’re already celebrating today, now’s the chance to celebrate even more with some fantastic facts. We’ll also spill …
interesting facts about 2000s
26 Oct

On This Day – October 26th

October 26th is more than just another stepping stone on the way toward Halloween here in the West. It’s a big day for all kinds of historical events, and it’s also very popular with Scorpios, too. In this guide, we’ll take you through some of the most popular and important events that took place on …
nutrition facts about Pasta
25 Oct

On This Day – October 25th

Can you believe it’s already October 25th? The year seems to have flown by! But before we let today go too fast, here are some of the most important things to know about it – and if it’s already a special occasion for you, we’re sure you’ll find tons to add to your celebration. For …
Harry Houdini
24 Oct

On This Day – October 24th

October 24th has proven time and time again that it is a date upon which anything can happen. Although we all tend to focus more on another couple of important October dates, feast your eyes on October 24th for a while – especially if you’re marking a birthday or anniversary today, in which case, here …
national mole day
23 Oct

On This Day – October 23rd

So, it’s a week till Halloween in the West, and that’s all many of us can focus on at the moment! However, there’s still plenty of time to learn about the days leading up to the end of October, whether or not you are already celebrating a big day. Before the trick-or-treaters reach your door, …