Crabs fun facts

facts about Cancer Zodiac
4 Jan

15 Curious Facts About The Cancer Zodiac Sign

Cancers are summer people born between June 21st and July 22nd. And, much like the summer, they are bright, and warm, and you miss them when they’re not around! The crab in the Zodiac represents them, but that doesn’t mean they’re always crabby to be around! Let’s look at some fun facts about the Cancer …
a huge coconut crab
13 Feb

12 Cracking Facts About Coconut Crabs

Coconut crabs are truly bizarre-looking creatures – is it any wonder that you’re reading this fact file? They are massive beasts and have an interesting communication system – and yet they still remain fairly mysterious. To help boost your knowledge of these animals, here are some fun facts about coconut crabs! 1. Darwin set the …
facts about crabs
20 Dec

15 Cracking Facts About Crabs

Crabs are snippy and sensitive – but we love them all the same! Crabs are sand scuttlers that can be found all over the world – and in many quarters, they are seen as seafood delicacies. Let’s look through some fun facts about crabs that might just impress you ahead of your next trip to …
a Hermit Crab
21 Nov

13 Hyper Facts About Hermit Crabs

Hermit crabs are curious little critters that are probably best known for carrying their homes on their backs! You’ll find them in tropical reaches as well as in colder climes – and they don’t tend to be sought as food by fishermen. In fact, there’s probably plenty about these creatures that might just surprise you! …