Charity fun facts

facts about UNICEF header
1 Aug

11 Incredible Facts about UNICEF

UNICEF is one of the world’s most famous organizations, helping millions of children over the world whose lives are at risk of violence, disease, and starvation. In fact, it’s not particularly easy to explain how much of an effect UNICEF has on the world’s children in just one paragraph! Let’s see how much you know …
facts about the RNLI
16 Feb

12 Regal Facts About The RNLI

The RNLI, or Royal National Lifeboat Institution, is one of the hardest-working charitable organizations in the UK! It’s depended on to help people lost at sea all around the coast – and as a nonprofit organization, it depends entirely on the generosity of its donors and contributors. Here are some fun facts about the RNLI …
facts about the Red Cross
16 Jun

25 Reassuring Facts About The Red Cross

The Red Cross needs no introduction! This worldly renowned organisation never sees to inspire and attract volunteers from around the world. The Red Cross movement began with the founding of the International Committee for the Relief of the Wounded. It was established to care for victims of battle in the time of war. National Red …