Bulldogs fun facts

facts about French Bulldogs
8 Sep

10 Fun Facts about French Bulldogs

As one of the absolute most popular dog breeds in the world, it’s no wonder that we see French bulldogs everywhere! Despite their name, they are not just found in France – and have garnered a reputation for being loving, fun, and sweet animals. So, let’s get to know these four-legged friends a little better …
funny facts about british bulldogs
1 Nov

25 Badass Facts About British Bulldogs

What do England, Yale University, University of Georgia and the U.S. Marines have in common? Well of course, the English bulldog: their symbol and mascot! Why the bulldog? Obviously for his strong character and determination! Initially bred to fight, the British bulldog is among the oldest breeds native to the UK. It’s considered a national …
fun facts about Dogs
5 Mar

22 Fun Facts About Dogs That Will Melt Your Heart

‘Man’s best friend’, a common phrase used to describe domestic dogs, referring to their millennia-long history of close relations, loyalty, and companionship with humans. But dogs serve as more than companions, many earn their keep by working hard. Loyalty, unconditional love and selflessness are just a few of their amazing qualities! Dogs come in all shapes and sizes, but …