Borneo fun facts

facts about Borneo
24 Jul

10 Beautiful Facts about Borneo

Borneo is a genuine slice of paradise that so many of us don’t get to see. While you may have seen the stunning shorelines in photos and on TV, how much do you actually know about this island nation? Here are some fun facts about Borneo that might just inspire your next big vacation. 1. …
fun facts about orangutans
24 Nov

10 Fantastic Facts about Orangutans

Orangutans are some of the most beautiful and docile creatures on the planet. They are also known for their intelligence and incredible agility! But we should all get to know this incredible endangered species a lot better! With that in mind, here are some fun facts about orangutans! 1. There are three types of orangutan …
facts about Indonesia
9 Sep

16 Interesting Facts About Indonesia

Indonesia is an amazing hotbed of curious wildlife and cultural experiences – and it’s often pretty hot in itself! Sometimes referred to as the ‘Lost World’, Indonesia remains a hugely popular location for animal spotters and deep sea divers alike. Here’s some seriously fun facts about Indonesia! 1. It’s a polyglot nation. Indonesia’s language coverage …