Bogota fun facts

interesting facts about Bogota
2 Aug

15 Brilliant Facts About Bogotá, Colombia

Like to learn a little more about the capital cities of South America and improve your chances of winning the next pub quiz? Take a look at these fun facts about Bogotá! 1. Where is Bogotá? Bogotá is the capital city of Colombia. 2. It rolls off the tongue. Wondering how to say the name …
interesting facts about south america
27 Jul

18 Alluring Facts About South America

South America is one of the most diverse and most culturally intriguing continents on the planet.  It is home to miles of rainforest and possesses some of the world’s most important historic artefacts.  What’s more, it intersects the equator perfectly, making it a fantastic holiday destination.  There is certainly more to South America than you …
interesting facts about Colombia
27 Mar

17 Captivating Facts About Colombia

Want to learn a little more about the countries of the world and improve your chances of winning the next geography quiz? Take a look at these 17 fun facts about Colombia! 1. Colombia is a launchpad for South American adventures. Colombia is a beautiful country on the northern tip of South America. It shares …